Eastern Environmental Technologies, Inc, Recycling and disposal of ballasts, lamps, chemical waste, transformers, waste oil, universal waste
47 Purdy Avenue
Port Chester, NY 10573
Recycling and Disposal of Ballasts, PCB and NPCB, Non PCB, PCB Caulking, Fluorescent Lamps, Fluorescent Lights, Mercury Recycling, Lead Paint Chips, Lead, Transformers Disposal, Transformers, Batteries, Computers, Chemicals, Oils, Waste Oil, Water, Hazardous Waste Disposal, Non Hazardous Waste Disposal and Universal Waste Disposal
Keywords: Ballasts, PCB, Non PCB, NPCB, PCB Caulking, PCB Caulk, fluorescent lamps, fluorescent lights, mercury lights, lead, lead paint chips, transformers, battery Batteries, chemicals, Computers, Hazardous waste,non hazardous waste, universal waste
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